15 May 2015

Motivation for Run the Night 5k

I finally sat down and registered for the Run the Night 5k happening here in São Paulo at the end of May. I waited to register because my boyfriend said that he wanted to run it too, but I wasn't sure about his/our commitment levels.

Uhm well now that it's purchased, we don't really have a choice to not commit. This is only my second registered race, but I learned a lesson just now: MONEY MAKES ME EXERCISE.

I'm not a gym person. I don't want to have an ongoing commitment with a trainer or coach. But a fun road race where my mantras will once again be DON'T STOP RUNNING and YOU PAID FOR THIS...That'll motivate me to workout today.

I will surely be much slower than I was in October/November last year when I was regularly running, and running at a fast clip. And my running partner has much shorter legs than I do.

But it's okay. This looks like it will be a really fun race.

And, I've got my sights set on a 15k in September...

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