07 May 2015

Workout Report

This week in running brought...

1. I tried out running in the business district after morning classes. It started pouring down rain just as I started running, but I didn't mind that. I did mind jammed sidewalks full of pokey umbrellas. I felt awkward going in and out of the building in my running clothes all dripping wet. But it's better than not running at all, right? Also, I ran my planned circuit in a clockwise direction, whereas the flow of foot traffic is in a counterclockwise direction. I'm going to try it again on Friday, but smarter this time.

Kind of where I run... except the river path is inaccessible from anywhere close by. 

I ran about 3km, which was a little disappointing. My legs felt strong but my cardio sucks. I decided to stick with skipping rope on days I don't run.

2. I did another jump rope circuit, but this time I counted my jumps instead of my time. I like counting things, because it helps me not get bored, it keeps me motivated, and it puts me in a zen-like attitude. When I am in a lot of pain (period cramps, or vaccinations, for example), I count to keep my mind off of the pain. There's probably something in psychology textbooks about this.

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