01 December 2015

I am not a sell-out.

I haven't run in over a month because:

  • My plan of taking a bus to a flatter area and running there really sucked. I tried it three times and hit a bunch of road blocks that included: literal road blocks as the path is still under construction, the bus only coming 2-3 times per hour so I spent more time at the bus stop than actually running, and heavy traffic really didn't make things better. A 30 minute run turned into a 1.5 hour ordeal that included breathing noxious car fumes the whole time. Awesome right?
  • It's summer! Even running in the early morning left me with a splitting headache from exposure to the sun and heat.
  • I got lazy and then sick and then a little depressed.

I have been eyeing a very chic looking gym that is literally across the street from where I live. I'm attracted to its architecture, its proximity to my house (because I don't have a car and live in a hilly area, this is key), its air conditioning, and its hours. A lot of gyms around here have surprisingly inconvenient hours, and some don't even open on Sundays at all. So yesterday I saw that this chic gym was extending a Black Friday sale, and with the sale, its prices became about the same as all the other gyms, and you know, it's just so close.... I took the plunge and bought a six-month gym membership. First time ever!

I know that buying a gym membership goes against my minimalist exercise mindset ("You can do bodyweight stuff! At home! For free!"). But honestly, I did try to find something that worked for me and I wasn't able to. My physical health, and more noticeably, my mental health suffered. I'm not being a sell-out. It's just that good health is higher on the list of importance than minimalism principles.

I'm giddy about it. My membership includes all the classes that I want, and they have classes throughout the whole day (exciting because I usually teach classes when gyms are giving classes). Today I was just happy to run on a treadmill.

Okay. I know so many "real runners" hate treadmills. And yeah, the scenery is kind of dull on a treadmill... but I'm going to listen to audiobooks, podcasts, and nab a machine that faces the aerobics room instead of the spinning room (n00b mistake that I made today). The endorphin high is worth it.

When I lived in Dubai I ran on a treadmill. It had a good oceanfront view. Running on a treadmill for a year gave me the self-confidence that I needed to run outside. It also was there for me when I felt like doing 10 minutes of sprints and calling it a day. It's great when you have a BM 25 minutes into your run (don't tell me that doesn't happen to you). It's good for trying elaborate running sets that you see online but in no way are going to remember without a detailed post-it note.

So, I'm pro-treadmill. What are your favorite treadmill workouts, blogs, or other resources to keep things interesting?

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